Brake Fluid DOT 4 500ml


Denna bromsvätska har utvecklats speciellt för att förlänga livslängden av komponenter i de hydrauliska bromsar och kopplingssystem för motorfordon. Åtnjuter hög våt och torra kokpunkter, vilket garanterar säker bromsning även efter absorptionen av en del fukt över en tids användning.
Är också idealiskt att använda i ABS bromssystem.


Förpackning: Burk  
Innehåll [ml]: 500 ml 
Tillverkargodkänd: FMVSS 116 DOT 3  
Tillverkargodkänd: FMVSS 116 DOT 4  
Tillverkargodkänd: ISO 4925 Class 3  
Tillverkargodkänd: ISO 4925 Class 4  
Tillverkargodkänd: SAE J 1703/J 1704  
Teknisk information
Synthetic brake fluid based on glycol ethers, alkyl poly
glycols and glycol ether esters. It contains inhibitors to
prevent the corrosion of metallic brake components and to
reduce oxidation at increased temperatures. The brake fluid
has a high wet and dry boiling point, thus ensuring safe
braking even after the absorption of some moisture over an
extended period of use. Special moisture scavengers help to
prevent against the formation of steam bubbles.
Synthetic brake fluid based on glycol ethers, alkyl
polyglycols and glycol ether esters. It contains inhibitors
to prevent the corrosion of metallic brake components and
to reduce oxidation at increased temperatures. The brake
fluid has a high wet and dry boiling point, thus ensuring
safe braking even after the absorption of some moisture
over an extended period of use. Special moisture scavengers
help to prevent against the formation of steam bubbles.
Synthetic brake fluid based on glycol ethers, alkyl
polyglycols and polyglycol esters. It contains inhibitors
to prevent the corrosion of metallic brake components and
to reduce oxidation at increased temperatures. The brake
fluid enjoys excellent wet and dry boiling points, thus
guaranteeing safe braking even after the absorption of some
moisture over an extended period of use. Special moisture
scavengers help to minimize the formation of steam bubbles.